Jack Elgin, editor jefe de un importante periódico y flamante ganador de un premio Pullitzer, decide sorprender a su familia con unas vacaciones en la India. Pero unos terroristas se apoderan del avión en que viajan. La esposa de Jack y sus mueren ante sus propios ojos. Una vez en Londres, Jack pone todo su empeño en dar apoyo a su traumatizado hijo varón. Destrozado anímicamente, Jack intenta encontrar sentido a toda su tragedia, pero el estupor y la frustración le invaden cuando, sorprendentemente, los terroristas que mataron a su familia son puestos en libertad. Jack acaba utilizando todos sus recursos como periodista y sus contactos políticos para que se haga justicia, pero todo esfuerzo resulta en vano. Desesperado, Jack empieza a investigar por su cuenta.
La casualidad (o el ojo comercial) ha querido que coincida el estreno en vídeo de este film con el primer aniversario de los horribles sucesos del 11 de septiembre. Aunque el film no ahonda en las causas y horror que traen consigo el terrorismo, el director, John Irvin, asegura que "La acción viene siempre determinada por un conflicto moral". Y es lo que, desde luego, sí tenemos, es una apañada película de acción e intriga, con dos grandísimos actores: Jeremy Irons (que ganó el Oscar por El misterio von Bulow) y Forest Whitaker.
Jack Elgin is the European editor of The Economist, which is based in London, England. Jack has a wife named Maria and three kids named Joanne, Julia, and Andrew. Jack subtly changes the family vacation from a lazy week of Mediterranean fun and sun in Corfu, Greece, to a tour of India, because of a story he has to cover. Maria is not as impressed by this as the kids are. Jack himself envisioned a chance to simultaneously work an easy reporting assignment and spend a little quality time with his family. But on the way to India, the airplane, a 747 owned by AM Air, an American airline, makes an unscheduled stopover in Limassol Cyprus, because of a mechanical problem. After a while of waiting inside the Limassol airport, everyone gets back on the plane -- which is then hijacked by a group of terrorists known as the August 15th Movement, led by a Serbian man named Ivanic Loyvek and his right-hand man Karadan Maldic. And they are demanding $50,000,000 from the US State Department in one hour, or everyone on the airplane will die. The demand is met, and Loyvek and Maldic start releasing the women and children, with the men to go last. But as soon as a front passenger door is opened, a local police team gunning for the terrorists opens fire. The flight attendants frantically open the rest of the airplane's doors and start getting passengers out, but the terrorists start killing passengers, leading to an explosion. Maria, Joanne, and Julia get out of the airplane, and then Jack, holding Andrew, gets out -- only to watch Maria, Joanne, and Julia get shot by the terrorists. Jack tries to hide Andrew's face so he can't see it. Maria and Joanne are dead, and Julia is still alive -- but Julia burns to death while crying for help. Jack and Andrew survive. In all, a total of 15 passengers die, and Loyvek and Maldic, the surviving terrorists, escape, knowing that they now have the $50,000,000. The hijacking would never have ended this way if the police team had waited until after the passengers were released from the airplane before getting trigger happy. Back in London, an absolutely devastated Jack is told that the terrorists were captured, but they were released and deported secretly, with no charges and no arrest, the result of some awfully compromised politics. Jack is understandably enraged that Loyvek and Maldic got off scot-free. While helping Andrew cope, Jack tries all the legal ways to ensure justice for his family, but to no avail. Jack even pays a visit to Henry Davidson, a CIA agent who works at the American Embassy in London. Davidson tells Jack that there's little that can be done. Obviously, the American and British governments are completely impotent when it comes to going after Loyvek and Maldic, so Jack has absolutely no choice in the matter. He must do it himself. With the help of his ex-intelligence operative friend Kate Stockton, who is well-schooled in the finer points of international intelligence, Jack becomes a one-man anti-terrorist squadron, searching for Loyvek and Maldich. Dogging Jack's trail is FBI agent Jules Bernard, who's cooperating with Scotland Yard on anti-terrorist activities, and who suspects that Jack is the man who has been killing anyone involved in the hijacking. But as it turns out, Jules is on Jack's side, and he's willing to help Jack make those responsible pay for the deaths of his family and the other people who died in Cyprus.
Director: John Irvin. Interpretes: Jeremy Irons (Jack Elgin), Forest Whitaker (Agente Jules Bernard), Charlotte Rampling (Kate Stockton), Jason Priestley (Davidson), Ian McNeice (Oficial del Mi5), Kal Weber (Kulindos), Joel Pitts (Andrew Elgin). Guión: Allan Scott; basado en la novela de Robin Hunter. Música: Paul J. Zaza. Fotografía: Mike Molloy. Título Original: The Fourth angel. Países: Canadá, Reino Unido. Año: 2001. Duración: 95 min.
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