domingo, 3 de julio de 2011


Jeb Rand (Robert Mitchum) es un hombre atormentado por los recuerdos de su infancia. Adoptado a los cuatro años por Medora Callum (Judith Anderson), tras el asesinato de toda su familia, Jeb crece sin problemas en su nuevo hogar. Sin embargo, sus traumas infantiles vuelven una y otra vez a través de sus sueños. Y sus pesadillas se hacen realidad cuando reaparece el hombre que, después de acabar con su familia, no ha dejado de buscarlo durante años para acabar también con él.

Interesante western psicológico, con elementos propios del cine negro y de la tragedia. El guión es de Niven Busch y la dirección de Raoul Walsh, especialistas indiscutibles del género. Robert Mitchum sabe componer bien al atormentado protagonista, mientras que Teresa Wright dota a su personaje de una interesante ambigüedad.

In the 1880s orphan Jeb Rand is raised by the Callum family on their horse ranch after his own family is killed. Jeb is haunted by this childhood trauma in a recurring nightmare of flashing spurs and confinement inside a trap door as his family is murdered. Widow Callum does her best to make Jeb feel loved as he is growing up, but the young man stubbornly maintains a sense of his own identity. While he has great affection for his foster-sister Thor, his relationship with her brother Adam is tenuous at best, especially when Jeb blames him for shooting the colt that he was riding. Although Mrs. Callum blames the incident on deer hunters, she is aware that the shooting was actually the attempted murder of the youngster by her brother-in-law Grant, a shadowy figure who, for vague reasons, is determined to hurt Jeb. Jeb loses a coin flip with Adam, and becomes the designated family volunteer to fight in the Spanish-American War...

Director: Raoul Walsh
Intérpretes: Teresa Wright, Robert Mitchum, Judith Anderson, Dean Jagger, Alan Hale, John Rodney, Harry Carey Jr., Clifton Young
Guión: Niven Busch
Música: Max Steiner
Fotografía: James Wong Howe
Título Original: Pursued
Año: 1947
País: EE.UU.
Duración: 101 min.
Género: Western

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