miércoles, 16 de noviembre de 2011

El Terror

En la Europa del siglo XIX, un joven oficial francés del ejército de Napoleón es salvado de la muerte por una bella mujer que, a continuación, desaparece. El teniente, obsesionado con la muchacha, sigue sus huellas hasta llegar al aislado castillo del Barón Von Leppe (Boris Karloff), un luegar que esconde un terrible misterio.

Intrigante guión y buenos actores para esta historia en la que colaboraron diversos directores de renombre, aunque todos desacreditados, salvo Roger Corman. El suspense se respira en cada plano gracias en parte al buen hacer de Boris Karloff (El doctor Frankenstein).

France, 18th century. Lieutenant Andre Duvalier (Jack Nicholson) has been accidentally separated from his regiment. He is wandering near the coast when he sees a young woman (Sandra Knight) and asks her for directions to Coldon, where he hopes to rejoin his regiment. But the woman doesn't answer, doesn't even greet him and walks away. Eventually she takes him towards the sea, where she disappears in rough water. Andre loses consciousness while trying to follow her, and is attacked by a bird and awakes in a house where an old woman (Dorothy Neumann) claims never to have seen the woman. After he leaves, he sees the woman again, and while trying to follow her, is saved by a man from certain death. Andre learns that in order to help the girl, he must go to castle of Baron Von Leppe (Boris Karloff), and when he arrives, Andre sees the woman looking out of a window. However, Baron Von Leppe is old and seems reluctant to let Andre in...

Director: Roger Corman, Francis Ford Coppola, Monte Hellman, Jack Hill, Jack Nicholson
Intérpretes: Boris Karloff, Jack Nicholson, Sandra Knight, Dick Miller, Dorothy Neumann, Jonathan Haze
Guión: Leo Gordon, Roger Corman, Jack Hill
Música: Ronald Stein, Les Baxter
Fotografía: John M. Nickolaus Jr.
Título Original: The Terror
Año: 1963
País: EE.UU.
Duración: 81 min.
Género: Fantástico, Terror

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