martes, 20 de diciembre de 2011

Colección Chaplin Nº 1

The Essanay Films 1915
Charlot se va de juerga
Charlot y Ben han bebido de más y cuando van al restaurante tienen un conflicto con un caballero francés y su amiga, por lo que el jefe de camareros los expulsa. Van a su hotel y Charlot se interesa por una joven atractiva ocasionando un nuevo conflicto con el botones.

A Night Out (His Night Out) (Charlie's Drunken Daze), 1915, 33 min.

Charlie and Ben pay a visit to a pub, then decide to visit a swanky restaurant. Now intoxicated, they come into conflict with a French dandy and his ladyfriend. The large head waiter violently ejects Ben, and later ejects Charlie also. The pair pay another visit to a pub, then make their way to their hotel. They become interested in a pretty young woman staying in the room across the hall, but when Charlie spies on her through the keyhole a bellboy makes him stop. Charlie is taken aback to realize that the young woman's husband is the head waiter from the restaurant. He promptly checks out and moves to another hotel. Meanwhile, the head waiter and his wife, dissatisfied with the service, also decide to move to another hotel-- and, unfortunately, choose the same one Charlie has chosen, and once more wind up in the room across the hall from him. When the young woman's dog runs into Charlie's room she follows in her pajamas... 

Charlot en el parque
Típica escena dominguera en el parque. El conde cortejando a una dama, una niñera y su pretendiente, un ladrón, un policía, el tipo que lleva un puesto de salchichas... y nuestro genial vagabundo Charlot, enredando aquí y allá. Quizá no sea este corto de Essanay de los más memorables de Charlot, pero momentos como el del conde pidiendo asistencia a su suicidio, y Charlot preparando con regodeo la patada en el trasero, tienen la chispa del genio.

In the Park, 1915, 14 min.

A tramp steals a girl's handbag, but when he tries to pick Charlie's pocket loses his cigarettes and matches. He rescues a hot dog man from a thug, but takes a few with his walking stick. When the thief tries to take some of Charlie's sausages, Charlie gets the handbag. The handbag makes its way from person to person to its owner, who is angry with her boyfriend who didn't protect her in the first place. The boyfriend goes to throw himself in the lake in despair. Charlies helps him. 

Charlot marinero
Charlot, enamorado de la hija del propietario de un barco, es engañado por el capitán, quien le pide ayudarle a embarcar por la fuerza a algunos marineros; cumple su tarea y como premio es también embarcado por la fuerza y debe trabajar en el mismo. La hija viaja de polizón para seguir a Charlot.

Shanghaied, 1915, 30 min.

A shipowner intends to scuttle his ship on its last voyage to get the insurance money. Charlie, a tramp in love with the owner's daughter, is grabbed by the captain and promises to help him shanghai some seamen. The daughter stows away to follow Charlie. Charlie assists in the galley and attempts to serve food during a gale.

Charlot trabajando de papelista
Este corto para Essanay incoa al mejor Chaplin. El film está repleto de fisicidad desde el principio, cuando Charlot y un compinche marchan por las calles con su carretilla llena de trastos para hacer chapuzas a domicilio, acometiendo empinadas cuestas y haciendo toda clase de difíciles malabarismos. Ya en una casa burguesa, deben empapelar las paredes, lo que provocará el caos. Hay gags estupendos, como el de la doncella que "limpia" sin querer el trasero de Charlot, lo que se diría el inicio de un coqueteo al que nuestro genial vagabundo responde pasando la brocha por la cara de la chica. Pasajes como el de "la historia triste", la llegada del pretendiente farfollas, o el final con Charlot asomando su cabecita por entre un montón de cachivaches, están muy inspirados.

Work, 1915, 28 min.
Charlie and his boss have difficulties just getting to the house they are going to wallpaper. The householder is angry because he can't get breakfast and his wife is screaming at the maid as they arrive. The kitchen gas stove explodes, and Charlie offers to fix it. The wife's secret lover arrives and is passed off as the workers' supervisor, but the husband doesn't buy this and fires shots. The stove explodes violently, destroying the house.

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