miércoles, 21 de diciembre de 2011

Las Troyanas

Tras la caída de la ciudad de Troya en manos de los ejércitos aqueos, las mujeres troyanas deberán afrontar el doloroso hecho de ser convertidas en esclavas y trasladadas a las cortes de los príncipes griegos.

Adaptación de la tragedia de Eurípides, sobre la caída de Troya y la entrega de la ciudad a los griegos por parte de Hécuba y otras mujeres. Gran reparto.

Hecuba and the other women of Troy rise to find their city in ruins and their cause lost. The city has fallen into Greek hands and it is likely their lot to become slaves of Greek soldiers. A messenger approaches to inform them that the lots have been drawn and each woman will be taken to the man who drew for her. Of particular interest is Hecuba's daughter, Cassandra, who is chosen for the Greek kings bedchamber. She has received word of this news already and is in hiding because she has sworn an oath to the gods that she will live as a virgin. When she is found she has some particularly nasty things to say about treatment at Greek hands.

Director: Mihalis Kakogiannis
Intérpretes: Katharine Hepburn, Vanessa Redgrave, Geneviève Bujold, Irene Papas, Patrick Magee, Brian Blessed
Argumento: Eurípides (obra de teatro), Edith Hamilton (Adaptación)
Guión: Mihalis Kakogiannis
Música: Mikis Theodorakis
Fotografía: Alfio Contini

Título Original: The Trojan Women
Año: 1971
País: EE.UU., Grecia, Reino Unido

Duración: 105 min.
Género: Drama

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